Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Just Sayin': Carl Frederickson and Joe Paterno

So, I was looking at a picture of Joe Paterno today, as I sometimes do. lol. Don't ask why. I just think he's a funny looking guy. He reminds me of someone's granddad who walks around the house, paper in hand, in his t-shirt, asking his wife Essy "did the kids call? They never call."

It struck me that he looks an awful lot like the guy from "Up," the movie from Disney Pixar - Carl Frederickson. If you guys haven't seen up, you're really missing out. That's a great movie.

Now, I'm not the first person to think this, so I'm just going to post the other person's side by side picture. You'll see the link in the picture if you want to read his post. But here we go for my faithful but non-existent readers, I'll repost it.

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