Saturday, January 30, 2010

Combined: I'm Just Sayin', with Shameless and Wanton Naked Picture

Okay, so I think Nick Jonas is cute - but he's total jailbait and therefore I have no interest. So the shameless naked picture is not of him, and if you thought it was, shame on you - and stay away from playgrounds.

Instead, the shameless picture is of Pittsburgh Penguins hockey player Sidney Crosby - who definitely is NOT underage. He's quite within bounds, and if any of you happen to have his home address, I'd love to send him an FTD cookie basket to say "hullo."

But, while looking at Sidney, I couldn't help but notice some similarities between him and Nick. Take a look.

Do you see it? Or am I just dreaming a confusing and sick dream? I hope the former, because I am a complete law-abiding citizen and I would never do anything so untoward.

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